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The central and state governments perceive modernization and upgradation as one of the key focus besides creating a supporting infrastructure for the long term. The Ministry of Home Affairs has targeted development of India's Homeland Security focused infrastructure, like creation of a centralized comprehensive database called National Information Grid (NATGRID) by combining the individual databases of several government agencies, setting up of the CCTNS (Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems) and modernization programs for providing better equipment and training to the security forces deployed with the task of internal security in India.

India offers a large potential for firms looking to leverage the opportunities apparent in this sector in the country on account of the following factors: ● High GDP growth
● Challenging relationships with neighbors
● Outdated equipment and systems
● Increased spending on modernizing military capabilities and infrastructure
● Focus on creating and enhancing support Infrastructure
● Emerging public-private participation opportunities

For further details, please contact [email protected]

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