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The ASSOCHAM National Council on Education was formed to engage Government, Policy makers, academicians, think tanks, experts, and consultants on education related matters. It works with stakeholders on current affairs on education, administration, training and capacity building for academicians as well as undertake cutting edge interventions on diverse subjects ranging from national to state agendas. The council has been delivering several conferences, dialogues, round tables, seminars, exhibitions, workshops and similar engagements with leading institutes, universities, K12 and corporates. Several start ups including EdTech companies have also been engaged to ensure holistic development of this segment in the country.

The council provides a productive platform for amplifying the voice of stakeholders in the education sector, for deliberating policies such as NEP and NAAC, along with state level concerns. The council also plays a vital role in implementation of cutting-edge technologies through education. The council ensures active participation of its members and stakeholders for bridging gap between any emerging policy and its impact on education sector.

For further details, please contact [email protected]

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